Posts Tagged ‘Salvation’
Is there Hope for the Future?
With everything we know, with everything that’s happening, is there Hope for the Future? What does it mean and where do we hold hope for the future?
Read MoreForgotten Gospel pt 3
Jason Diehl shares a message of how Jesus can set us free from Guilt and Shame. This is part 3 of a series teaching about the suffering of Christ and how we can be truly free from sin, and not just completing a cycle of sin and forgiveness.
Read MoreThe Forgotten Gospel pt 2
This is the second part of the Forgotten Gospel message. In this message we dive deeper into the roots of sin, and how to replace those roots with the roots of Christ saving grace. Christ related to every single one of us through the suffering that he endured. Learn how to apply this in your…
Read MoreKeys to Success
Tony Ponterio delivers his final sermon before heading home to New Jersey. He leaves us a message of the Keys of Success. How to be a successful Christian. Tony defines 3 keys each of which at their core is Jesus Christ.
Read MoreEden: The Fall and the Nature of Sin
Throughout history, the human race has told stories of superheroes. We seem to instinctively know we need one. The first “villain” comes into the Creation story. The devil, speaking through the serpent, lies about reality in a way that convinces the first humans to believe him. In the shame, fear, instinct to cover and hide,…
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